Celebrity Blogger Episode 3- My very own dream

Okay. Technical stuff over! Allow me to now blog on my dreamsJ
Dreams/Goals (Meaning 1: Goals, Aspirations):
1. Score MSG of 1.5 termly, and 1.17 for EOY
2. Establish close bonds with my friends
3. Improve my Chinese
4. Read more books
5. Cut down on gaming time
Well, I do realize myself that my goals will not be easily obtained, especially clause 1 and 3. An MSG of 1.5 would mean 9 points, divided by 6 topics. This is not easily to achieve, considering English and Chinese as towering obstacles that has always prevented me from scoring better marks. Out of the two topics, my bigger problem is Chinese, as I am unable to neither express myself freely nor converse fluently. Still, I am determined to improve my Chinese foundation, and subsequently, my results.
My plan for improving Chinese is revolved around the concept: TLLM. Nono, not Tui le lo mo! What I mean is, Teach Less Learn More. I plan to dedicate 2 hours per week reading a Chinese book, to allow me to learn more about words outside of the syllabus. Other than out, I’ll also spend 30 minutes per day browsing and memorizing Chinese phrases and idioms. Having done so, I will then apply it to my essays. In time to come, I believe that my Chinese will improve.
;) Wish me luck!
Dream (succession of images, thoughts, sounds, or emotions which pass through the mind during sleep):
Alright, I admit I digressed from the main topic for the above paragraph. Can’t be helped though, I was too excited about my goals. Moving back to the main topic, the post I will be sharing with you today concerns a dream that I had years back. Unlike ordinary dream, this actually had a large impact on me, and I was able to remember it vividly despite the years that have gone by.
Essentially, this dream isn’t one of those “ made-up” ones, whereby you stare out of the window and dream of yourself as a hero. This dream came naturally to me, and before I started researching on my hobby, I never knew what it meant. Okay, here goes.
That night was like any other night; I was fast asleep, snoring. The crescent moon hung up on the night sky, its crooked face sending rays of light towards my window. Never did I knew, that I would soon have the most life changing experience of my life.
It’s very brief, surprising if you consider the fact that I slept 10 hours that day. Omg! I keep getting distracted. Okay, here comes.
I sat in the car, a newly bought sports car, with exotic colors and strong engines. Excited I was, careful I was not. Clicking on the button which started the car, the engine spurred to live. Being the amateur I was, I quickly stepped on the accelerator, and sped forward. As my car tore down the road, I bypasses cars with surprising and impossible turns. However, all of a sudden, I lost control and my whole car spun off the lane into the tree.
-The End-
I must admit, that the dream wasn’t really interesting, but what happened to me was. Following the incident, my body reacted instinctively. In my sleep, my body literally buckled! It was a responsive move following the incident. Strange, no? I bet it never happened to you before.
Time to analyse the dream!
1. Theme: Something bad happened to me, and my body instinctively reacted.
2. The newly sports car represents my good health
3. The direction and turns represent the place I’m heading
4. The death/incident represents change or something bad in my life.
If I link it to my life, I can say that I kind of predicted the future. Days after my dream, my beloved grandma passed away. The mourning lasted around 7 days. As it’s an emotional topic, I shall not delve any deeper than that.
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